A Q&A with Jodie: Founder of Spiritual Jewellery Brand Jerne by Jodie
In this exclusive Q&A, we sit down with Jodie, the founder of Jerne by Jodie, to explore the story behind her brand, her journey from a 20-year career in the NHS to creating meaningful spiritual jewellery, and how she incorporates self-care and spirituality into her daily life. Based in beautiful Devon, Jodie curates jewellery that’s not just beautiful but deeply personal, sourcing ethically from a family-run business in Brazil. Whether you’re a fan of crystals, on your own wellness journey, or simply curious about the story behind this unique brand, Jodie shares her inspirations, challenges, and future vision for Jerne by Jodie.

About the Brand
What inspired you to start a spiritual jewellery brand?
I began my spiritual journey in 2022 and fell in love with Crystals. I loved the properties of different crystals, how they work with your chakras, and how they make you feel. One thing I struggled with was finding crystal jewellery that suited my style. This is where Jerne by Jodie began!
How do you connect with your customers on a personal level?
I love a chat and find popping on my Instagram stories super fun. I feel like I’m talking to my friends, which is how I see my community. I’m not great at reels but I push myself to create them as a different way of storytelling. Practice makes perfect as they say! I like to involve my customers when looking for new products. They can answer questions on what they would like us to stock and polls to vote on different products. This way I get a sense of what will be popular for my customers and generate hype on new collections. Answering these questions has made me realise I have so much more to share with my community, look out for more reels!!
Can you tell us about the family business in Brazil that sources your crystals?
The business is owned by a father and sons who treat their employees as family. They work with 15 other small businesses in Brazil, artists, and artisans, mainly solely family members. They follow ethical and respectful practices and I love working with them to choose the Crystals. The new Rose Quartz rings are one of my favorites, I was able to select the stones before they were made into rings. Rose Quartz Ring
What does "beautiful and meaningful jewellery" mean to you?
Ooh, good question! This goes beyond aesthetics; it tells a story from when the customer chooses their pieces to when they put them on. Jewellery can evoke emotions, tell a story, and can hold sentimental value. It’s about sourcing products that are high quality yet affordable and can resonate with every one of our customers.
What has been your proudest moment since starting Jerne by Jodie?
There are quite a few proud moments for me which I am so grateful for. But the one I still can’t quite believe is being featured in Tatler magazine with Princess Diana on the front cover! This happened within the first 6 months of my business and I still pinch myself now.
Personal Story and Journey
What did you discover about yourself during your spiritual journey?
Wow, that’s a tricky one to summarise. The journey is ongoing. I love learning new things about myself. The biggest thing I have discovered Is acceptance and believing in myself. My friends and family have been so supportive. I have people say, ‘Wow, your business is doing so well’. Sounds silly but this was so hard to hear. I had imposter syndrome and kept thinking ‘How could I have my own business that people want to buy from’! Working on my self-worth over time has helped me to accept this, but not one day goes by when I don't feel grateful for my little business. The thought that people sat on Christmas morning opening gifts from Jerne by Jodie blows my mind. I love the signs I get from my spirit guides, especially when I'm unsure of something and ask for reassurance, and then the sign appears and I know I'm on the right path.

How has your NHS career influenced how you run your business?
My NHS background was in Pharmacy. I was a technician for over 14 years and went on to be a part of a project for 4 years, changing paper drug charts to an electronic system, (what a rollercoaster that was!!!!) I returned to the pharmacy when Covid hit and a new system management role was created for me. Unfortunately, many staff left and I was asked to backfill in different areas within the pharmacy. In the end, I felt like I was regressing in my career, not progressing, so I decided after 20 years to leave. I had no job to go to and spent time figuring out what I wanted to do, 2 years later here I am. I love the freedom I have working for myself, to have an idea and be able to act on it, and to put a kiss (x) at the end of my emails! True story, I was sending an email to consultants, project managers, pharmacists, etc and I signed the email BW Jodie x. My manager ran from the other side of the office shouting that I had to recall the email. I panicked that I had done something awful but my ‘x’ was very unprofessional! At least now I can put as many ‘xxxxx’ as I like and not be told otherwise! The four years working on a project team have helped with my confidence and pushed me out of my comfort zone.
What does 'Your journey – Life’s journey' mean to you?
Your journey is very personal and ongoing. You don’t get to a stage where everything is done and figured out. There is always so much to learn and self-development to do. I’m not great at it all the time but I know when I need to slow down and reflect, and I look for lessons in everything I do. I trust in the universe and know a path is mapped out for me. I have learned to trust the process, which can sometimes be difficult.
Self-Care and Wellness
How does spirituality fit into your daily life?
Every night before I go to sleep I do my daily gratitude, things I am grateful for from my day. Sometimes it can be the simplest things, my warm home, health, and family. I need to get back into my meditation as this helps my mindset and energy. I believe in the universe, sometimes allowing myself to surrender so the things that are ‘meant for me’, can be tricky but I try. Whether it’s my personal or business life, if I'm unsure of something I ask for guidance and more often than not I get the sign I am looking for. Other days this all goes out of the window, I get overwhelmed and anxious but hey we are all human right?
Do you have any daily rituals to stay grounded?
Throughout my day, I seek out small meaningful moments that bring a sense of peace and purpose. The warmth of the sun through my window, the birds singing, or the magpies' presence when I ask for guidance. I try to focus on the good and choose to find positivity in every situation. When I go to bed, I practice simple breathwork and gratitude, I love this practice! I have recently purchased a grounding sheet. When your skin touches the connective surface, the body is directly connected to the earth, providing the same electrical effects as touching the earth outside, restoring your body’s natural electrical balance. So far, I have been sleeping better, and I don’t wake up with lower back pain anymore!
What’s your advice for starting a spiritual or wellness journey?
Don’t get overwhelmed with everything at once! There are so many books, podcasts, and Instagram/ TikTok accounts out there. I wanted to learn everything at once but clearly, that’s impossible. I tried to listen to too much at once and got overwhelmed. Find a podcast that resonates with you. I listened to Gabby Bernstein all the time. I read the books and did her mindset challenge. So much would resonate with me and make so much sense. I tried Matthew McConaughey but it didn't click with me. It's a personal taste. I love Roxie Nafousi at the moment, Manifest is an amazing book and her new podcast with Jay Shetty is a great listen. 5 - 10 minute guided meditations are a great place to start (look on YouTube), this is something I need to get back to doing! Also, look into basic breathwork techniques, it’s a game changer for regulating and relaxation. The last thing I would highly recommend is finding like-minded people. I went to a full moon event in my local area, only knowing one lady. This was out of my comfort zone but I have never looked back! The event host has become a very good friend and I have met so many incredible women off the back of this.
How do you balance business, motherhood, and self-care?
As well as running my own business I also work for my husband's business 3 days a week! Most weeks are manageable but there are some weeks I feel overwhelmed. There is so much more I want to be doing for Jerne, but my main income is currently from my husband's business so I have to focus on that as well. I believe in the future Jerne will be solely my full-time job, I can’t wait for this. My 2 children are 15 and 17 so they are quite independent, apart from when they want lifts! It is a juggle at times and I feel guilty when I have lots of work on it, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I Am getting better at self-care. When my body is tired I try to listen and rest. I still struggle at times that I am being ‘lazy’ or ‘not productive’ but burnout is no good to anyone so listen to your body!
What’s your favorite way to use crystals for self-care?
We unfortunately lost our dog back in November. It was such a shock and was so emotionally draining. The following day I put on my Rose Quartz necklace, the stone of love and heart healer. I can’t explain how but I felt so much peace and like my heart was soothed. I shared this in my story and had a few sales of the necklace. One of my customers messaged me after she received hers to tell me how she felt an instant energy wash over her body as soon as the necklace went on. Crystals are so incredible and powerful. I don’t know everything about crystals but if I’m feeling a certain way or I’m traveling somewhere I will google the best crystal to support and take one with me. I have quite the collection now! Rose Quartz Necklace
Which crystal or jewellery piece would you recommend to beginners?
Rose Quartz is one of my favorites. Not only is it a beautiful stone but it’s a heart chakra crystal, a stone of love and tranquility. Known as the stone of unconditional love, it is a heart healer that radiates warmth and emotional clarity. Another great one is Clear Quartz. The master healer, with the ability to work with anything and everything! Set your intention and let the crystal do its magic. It also draws off negative energy of all kinds. Both of these crystals are available in our Luxury Crystal Collection.

Inspiration and Vision
What’s next for Jerne by Jodie?
I am currently working on the next collection to launch in March. I have a few things in the pipeline that are currently a secret, but I am super excited about them. I want to continue growing my community and be at a point where I can work for Jerne full-time. I’m excited for the future and watching my brand grow.
Lastly, where can our readers shop for your products
Instagram Jerne by Jodie or my website https://jernebyjodie.co.uk/