founder of Tyler Aromatherapy

Our Founder tells us how to super charge your well-being

Posted by Ellie Tyler on

In this article we dive into ways to super charge your well-being. During the winter months, lots of us may feel depleted and burnt-out, spring is the perfect time to start a new self-care routine. Our founder Ellie talks about how she uses daily self care rituals to boost her well-being. Ellie founded Tyler Aromatherapy in April 2021 after leaving her job as an NHS Midwife, in the months leading up to her decision to leave, she was plagued by crippling anxiety. Essential oils played a huge role in her recovery to her best self and she describes feeling "in awe" of how a tiny amount of plant oil can change mood. Continue to read this article as we talk with Ellie about ways to super-charge your well-being.

founder of tyler aromatherapy

"Creating small self care rituals may result in the biggest change to the way you feel"


In Feburuary 2022 I left my job as an NHS Midwife to follow my heart and my head! In the months leading up to my decision to leave I was plagued with crippling anxiety. It got so bad I once had a panic attack during staff handover and had to be wheeled into a hospital bed to calm down. Essential oils were a huge part of my recovery to my best self. I am in awe how a tiny amount of plant oil can change your mood and mental health for the better. 

Fast forward to now, everyday I create, make and pack your wonderful orders of natural mood changing candles and oils. There is a quote on my kitchen wall that reads "I am in the right place at the right time doing the right thing" - I finally believe that to be true. 

Tyler Aromatherapy is all about self care, sustainability and pure plant ingredients. I love to make scents to boost well-being and equally are 100% natural.


When I think about self care, I think of ways to make myself feel good. It does not have to be a dedicated day of the week where I have this huge self care routine, and I would encourage you to stop thinking like this too. Small daily self care rituals are much more beneficial and more importantly, easy to fit into a busy life! For me, it's the 5 minutes in the morning looking out of the window while drinking my coffee, or the daily bath using my chill pill candle and botanical bath salts, or applying a drop of my Yang oil to my wrists when I feel that afternoon slump creep in.

 Candles are a huge part of my daily routine, in fact the creation of the Mood Collection has helped me in more ways i could even talk about (for those who do not know, the Mood Collection is an innovative collection of scents designed to change your mood). Lighting my Fresh Energy scent while ticking off some admin tasks, using my Womens Balance diffuser in my bedroom to balance my mood, using Dream Club Religiously each night as a natural sleep aid, the list goes on.   

"The Mood Collection has helped me in more ways that I could talk about"

An innovative collection of candles and diffusers designed to change your mood. This collection goes beyond being ‘just another candle’, it’s a well-being treatment. To Incorporate these mood boosting scents into your daily life, is putting self care back on the agenda.

Each scent from the Mood Collection has been made with purpose. The blends are sophisticated and perfectly balanced, the high quality pure essential oils used allow for an amazing scent throw that envelops a space without overpowering. Think of it as a warm embrace that’s guaranteed to give you a well-being boost.



1. Do 5 things when you wake up before reaching for your phone. Mine are; water before caffeine, take my daily vitamins. open the blinds and spend a few minutes looking out the window, light my Fresh Energy candle. 

2. Spend an extra 20 minutes outside each day. Studies show that just 20 minutes out in nature can reduce stress and anxiety levels by up to 88%! Tip: When the warmer weather hits, have your morning coffee in the garden.


3.  Take an essential oil blend with you in your bag everyday. I love to use the Yang blend to combat afternoon tiredness. The Yin blend is amazing for reducing stress and calms the nervous system. Simply pop a drop to your wrist when you need a well-being boost. 

4. Whether you like to take a shower or bath each day, do 1 thing that will make you feel good. For example, don't just have a quick shower to wash yourself, instead use our Grapefruit and Patchouli body and bath oil and massage into your skin in the shower. 

5. Don't beat yourself up over your self care routine. In fact, it's better to not think about it as a routine. Instead, think of small tasks each day that will make you feel better. It is the small changes that make the biggest difference.


Oh, this is tricky because I Love each and every one. Instead I'll pick my favourite candle, diffuser and essential oil blend. 

Dream Club takes top spot for me because it's the best sleep aid I have ever tried (believe me when I say i've tried many). Not only that, the scent is absolutely divine and I am not sure any other sleepy scent could compare. 

For diffuser, it has to be the Womens Balance scent. There is something to comforting about walking into the bedroom and the scent of Rose envelops you like a warm embrace. Also, it's a fantastic hormone support and balances our reproductive hormones.  

The best essential oil blend for me, has to be the Yang blend, I know i have mentioned it a few times in this article but i couldn't rave about it enough. The blend of Wild Orange, Rosemary, Juniper and Cedar just hits that sweet spot and banishes fatigue.

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