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Q&A with Disruptor London: Discovering Disruptor London's Sustainable Beauty Revolution

In a world where the beauty industry's secrets can no longer be ignored, this brand has emerged as a beacon of transformation. With an unwavering commitment to people and the planet, Disruptor London redefines the norms of personal care, fusing attitude and vision with five powerful pillars that shape their environmental, social, and governance commitments. From ingredient transparency to waterless formulas, responsible manufacturing to plastic-free packaging, their mission is nothing short of revolutionary. Let's dive in!

Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind founding Disruptor London and the core values that drive your sustainable personal care brand?

We, Sira and Juan, cre­at­ed Dis­rup­tor Lon­don in Jan­u­ary 2021 af­ter many years of frus­tra­tion with the beau­ty in­dus­try. At that time, we didn't even have any prod­uct to of­fer, we only knew that we want­ed to make per­son­al care that's good for peo­ple and plan­et. We soon learned it wasn't go­ing to be easy, but we're here for the long jour­ney. Since we start­ed and, af­ter more than two years of re­search and de­vel­op­ment, we have re­leased a range of prod­ucts for sham­poo­ing, con­di­tion­ing, cleansing and shav­ing that re­place many of the un­sus­tain­able of­fer­ings out there. This is us. This is our sto­ry

disruptor london

Your commitment to "people and planet" is evident. How do you ensure that these stakeholders remain at the forefront of your business decisions and practices?

We were born from a purpose to put people and planet before profit, and everything we do respects this purpose. It’s a question of ethics and values.

Could you delve into the five pillars that form the foundation of your environmental commitments ? How do they guide your company's direction?

To begin, we had to forget everything we knew about sustainability and start from a blank canvas. Being an insider from the beauty industry has exposed so much good and bad. 

Our am­bi­tion is so com­pre­hen­sive that we have de­vised five pil­lars as the foun­da­tions for our en­vi­ron­men­tal, so­cial and gov­er­nance (ESG) com­mit­ments:

  1. In­gre­di­ent trans­paren­cy because consumers deserve to know what goes into their products and how these ingredients are sourced.
  2. Re­spon­si­ble con­sump­tion  is the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #12 #SDG12 We all have a responsibility to reduce our footprint. Reducing consumption overall is a good start.
  3. Wa­ter­less formulas - Most legacy shampoos, cleansers, and conditioners contain up to 95% water, forcing suppliers to package these watered down products in plastic containers that end up in a landfill. We don't see the point in this unnecessary cycle of waste, so we’ve reimagined these products to be solid, concentrated and even more effective.  
  4. Re­spon­si­ble man­u­fac­tur­ing- Waste is built into the manufacturing model. So far, most work has been done around packaging waste. We wanted to take a 360 degree approach to our business model by addressing manufacturing. For us, this meant adopting a ‘Just In Time’ manufacturing model to reduce waste and carbon footprint. 
  5. Plas­tic-free pack­ag­ing- According to GreenPeace, less than 9% of plastics in the UK get recycled. The UK recycling infrastructure fails us and as suppliers we have a responsibly to produce products with packaging that can easily be disposed off. Aligned with ingredient transparency pillar, we chose to stay away from anything with a petrochemical origin. 
disruptor london

Waterless formulas are an innovative approach to sustainability. Could you explain how your products achieve this while maintaining their effectiveness?

"Wa­ter­less formulas - Most legacy shampoos, cleansers, and conditioners contain up to 95% water, forcing suppliers to package these watered down products in plastic containers that end up in a landfill. We don't see the point in this unnecessary cycle of waste, so we’ve reimagined these products to be solid, concentrated and even more effective. "

Sira - Co Founder

Responsible manufacturing is a key commitment. What steps do you take to ensure that your manufacturing processes align with your sustainability goals and ethical standards?

So far, most work has been done around packaging waste. We wanted to take a 360 degree approach to our business model by addressing manufacturing. For us, this meant adopting a ‘Just In Time’ manufacturing model to reduce waste and carbon footprint. It also helps us better manage inventory and cash flow.

We love the multi Use aspect of your products. Tell us more about that.

 We want people to use fewer products that work hard and in a green way. To achieve this, we worked tirelessly on research and development to formulate products that respect these credentials of efficacy and multifunctionality. 

disruptor london website image

What’s Favourite product and why?

That's like asking a parent who's their favourite child. Lol

All our products are problem-solution led. FLAKE FREE has a special place in my heart, though, as this one was born out of a personal need. It was developed to help alleviate my own issues of itchy, flaky scalp during COVID-19 as a result of stress induced dermatitis. 

Finally, where can we find you or buy your products?

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